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Brian D'Angelo 2007


Job Description:

As Associate Creative Director, I work with a team of exhibit designers, 工程师和平面设计师帮助美高梅mgm平台客户的品牌在物理空间中变得生动. 展会展览设计需要注重将视觉设计应用到3D环境中, 为与会者打造体验和品牌之旅, 以及在短时间内建造和拆除这个空间的后勤工作. 我的职位需要很强的时间管理能力, tight deadlines, spacial relation, client interaction, presentation of work, 并依靠多元化的专家团队来构思和创造真正独特的环境. 这是一份身兼数职的工作,其中平面设计和品牌推广是重中之重.

Career Path:

平面设计师,Bob Wright Creative (2007-2009)



Personal Accomplishments:

My family is my number one accomplishment. My amazing wife Ariana, 还有美高梅mgm平台的两个孩子——瑞亚·凯和罗文·邓肯, are the reasons I do what I do everyday. They are what truly matter.

Additional Comments:

Learning doesn't end at graduation, 但罗伯茨为我提供了坚实的基础和进入就业市场并具有竞争力所需的各种技能. 除此之外,我在校期间建立的人际关系至今仍陪伴着我. 对我来说,这些关系甚至比我所接受的教育更重要.


Christina (Ford) Palma, 2012

Job Description:

As a photographer, I have the joy and privilege of photographing a lot of memorable moments; the times in life that everyone wants to last forever. From capturing a baby’s first photos, 为即将毕业的大四学生拍一张完美的照片, to photographing a bride walking down the aisle; I get to be a part of many life changing events with my clients. The photography industry is a high-pressure industry; not only do I have to be original and creative while capturing these once in a lifetime events, 很多时候,我只有几秒钟的时间来拍摄这些感觉和情绪,然后它们就结束了. While I have learned a lot through the years, 这个挑战给了我继续成长为艺术家的创造性动力. 当我不在相机后面时,我的大部分时间都花在编辑照片上, which I absolutely love doing.

我的新尝试是写生活方式博客. 我只是写一些我热爱的事情,希望能鼓励人们, more specifically women, 追求他们的努力,并认识到他们并不孤单. 我的爱好包括信仰、家庭、时尚、摄影、艺术和家居装饰. 在一个以图像为导向的文化中,我的摄影知识推动了我在社交媒体上的存在,并让我在接触观众方面领先一步.

Career Path:

Photographer, C R Photos 2010-present 

Blogger, 2015-present 

Personal Accomplishments:

我最大的成就是成为一个男人的妻子,他向我展示了摄影是一门艺术. 没有他的支持和鼓励,我就不会做我今天喜欢做的事情. 我的第二大成就是成为一名母亲. 没有什么比女儿的笑脸更能给我和丈夫带来快乐和满足了!

Additional Comments:

在一个不断变化的领域工作需要很强的教育背景. 我非常感谢我和我丈夫选择罗伯茨作为美高梅mgm平台事业的起点. Having grown and matured since graduation, 我真正明白我的教育是多么有价值,它为我提供了创业和发展企业所需的垫脚石. One of the greatest things I learned from my time at Roberts was to always be learning; it’s for that reason I spend a significant amount of time researching and educating myself to grow in my field which I can contribute to my success as a photographer. 直到今天,我仍然感受到教授们的支持,他们为我的未来投入了时间和精力, 没有什么比知道别人信任你感觉更好的了.

RJ Clarke, 2010

Job Description:

As a Senior Graphic Designer at BLR, 我为印刷和数字市场创造了各种各样的营销抵押品. I work with marketers, writers, editors, management, 和其他设计师一起为实体产品发布完整的广告活动, large-scale events, and digital subscriptions. As an Interactive Lead, 我帮助创建和维护美高梅mgm平台数字市场的标准, including email campaigns, e-newsletters, advertisements, web, and mobile apps.

Career Path:

动态图形/应用制作,FlyingWord公司. (2010-2015)
afewguys llc联合创始人/设计师(2013年至今)

Personal Accomplishments:

Since 2013, 我一直在与“少数人”一起设计和制作应用程序。, an LLC I formed with two friends of mine. We've dabbled in mobile games, developed apps for festivals and churches, (我最喜欢的项目)创建了一个游戏化的生产力应用程序,拥有超过6.5万用户,名为Raise the Bar. 美高梅mgm平台不断改进自己和应用程序: www.afewguys.com/rtb

Additional Comments:

在我的业余时间里拓展自己的创作激情,是毕业后最有价值的经历. 它不仅可以让你在“现实生活”工作之外提高你的技能, 但它创造了一个地方,你可以(无意中)跟踪你学习和成长了多少. It's pretty neat.


Carpenter Hall - B. Coon - School Arts & Humanities - 585.594.6126 - visualart@kathybakes.net