首页 - 本科 - 专业及课程 - 平面设计



Learn to be a visual problem solver.

The 平面设计 concentration teaches you to become a visual problem solver who makes valuable contributions to our world. You will learn to translate ideas, information and data into communications through the use of typography, 空间, 插图, 摄影, 图表, 单词和颜色. Graphic design is everywhere.


Do you have questions you need answered about the program and the admissions process? 访问 Campus to connect with an 本科 招生 Counselor!




在罗伯茨, we are committed to giving you a head start in earning income and achieving your personal goals by helping you graduate in four years. 事实上,美高梅mgm平台保证.



Choose from a wide variety of internships and studio apprenticeships in the Rochester area to gain experience.

Class sizes of 12 or less and professors dedicated to mentoring their students.

Hone your digital 媒体艺术 skills using our advanced media labs.



罗米·霍斯福德,M.F.A., is a multi媒体艺术ist and educator and has taught at Roberts since 2011. Her photo/video-based installation work can be described as storytelling through an object, 材料, 历史背景, often dealing with perception, 定义, 和期望. 除了, it investigates the concept of memory - personal and cultural, 记忆与遗忘.



If you are interested in working in the field of graphic design, this concentration will teach you mastery of design principles, 理论, 以及技术技能, all within a broader studio art framework.

You will be exposed to all aspects of graphic design, including:

  • 打印
  • 出版
  • 广告
  • Corporate identity and branding
  • 包装
  • 互动 & 网页设计
  • 环境标志
  • 动画
  • You will learn by developing solutions for complex communication challenges based on real-world parameters such as budget, time, 空间, 技术, 生产方法.


Student Teaching Placements

You will complete an internship in graphic design, as well as the following courses:

  • 排版
  • Introduction to 平面设计
  • 印刷设计 & 产品
  • 出版 & 信息设计
  • 时动通信
  • 数字成像导论
  • Intermediate Digital Photography
  • 网页设计


As a graphic designer, you'll use images, graphics and text to communicate a variety of messages. This profession is extremely versatile; you could design media for advertising, 娱乐, or news publications – both in print and online.

除了创造力, style, 创意, excellent communication skills, and experience using computer graphics, 动画, 设计软件, planning your continued education requires careful preparation, including putting together a visual portfolio of graphic design skills you've honed. For most entry-level and advanced graphic design positions, you will need a minimum of a bachelor’s degree from an accredited university, 大学, 或者私立设计学校.

There are a number of factors that may impact the salary of a graphic designer–these may include years of experience, 教育水平, design knowledge and software expertise, location and type of employer. As reported by Payscale, the average wage for this profession is $47,284.

Graphic design is an in-demand career option, and a bachelor's degree can give you the edge. 有学位, you'll be more qualified for positions and could potentially get higher initial salaries. College can provide you the foundational skills and experience needed to pursue a career in graphic design, while also enabling you to network with professionals and establish your portfolio.

For those interested in a career in graphic design, a minimum of a bachelor's degree from an accredited 大学 or university is required. 另外, those seeking an associate's degree will find programs offered at numerous schools across the country. Upon graduation, you can pursue assistant-level positions in the field with this 2-year degree. Someone who has already earned a bachelor's degree in another area may looking into completing either a two or three year program to learn technical requirements and receive certification for graphic design.


艺术教育 -成为一名美术老师. This degree will prepare students for New York State certification in Visual 艺术教育 for kindergarten through grade 12.
数字媒体艺术 - Get your degree in digital 媒体艺术 and learn visual storytelling (film/ video/ photo), 视觉传达, 媒体艺术 & design, communication arts, and media.
工作室艺术 - In the Visual Arts Program, students explore the beauty of God’s creation through studio exploration in traditional technique and contemporary approach, en route to a 工作室艺术 Degree.
木匠厅- 3238 - 585.594.6120 - ciaccia_kathryn@罗伯茨.edu