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Design Your Dream Major Through 跨学科研究.

Is it challenging to fit all of your passions into one major? It’s easy when you blend three of your passions into one custom major. 利用已有的专业和未成年人, you’ll have the freedom and guidance to choose a combination to achieve your unique goals and maximize your potential. 全力以赴去追求你独一无二的职业!


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在罗伯茨, we are committed to giving you a head start in earning income and achieving your personal goals by helping you graduate in four years. 事实上,美高梅mgm平台保证.



100% employed or in grad school in the first year after graduation.


Combine one existing minor and two areas of study from Roberts’ offerings.



Jake Landean ‘22 (跨学科研究) combined his love of Business, 宗教与哲学, 及社会科学.

“我喜欢上各种各样的课程! For example, Organizational Leadership helped me become more of a leader in the workplace. For 宗教与哲学, I took Intro to Christian Theology (taught by Dr. McPherson) and that taught me more about the diverse range of opinions about God and Christianity I never knew about before. 社会科学, 我选了种族和社会多样性, and I loved learning about the differences between Hispanic and Latino cultures.”


First, you'll select a minor from our rich array of options. 然后, 你将选择两个不同的研究领域, 比如商业, 计算机科学, 教育, 视觉艺术, 和更多的.

Whether you draw from three distinct fields or study three facets of the same topic, 你将建立在基督教信仰的基础上.

You’ll cap off your experience with the Senior Integrative Project. This capstone project helps you look back on the three areas of study, 反思你的个人旅程, 以及你们的研究是如何相互补充的.

美高梅mgm平台, your education isn't just a series of courses; it's a tailored experience. Go all in to chart your own course and follow your one-of-a-kind calling.



跨学科研究 is a major at Roberts that allows you to design a customized path of study. 与3,000种可能的组合, you’ll be able to study what’s most relevant to your personal interests and goals.

Do you have many interests and aren’t sure what to choose to study in college? 你有没有想过非传统的职业道路? 在罗伯茨, you don’t have to choose between your passions and what you’ll study.

作为一个跨学科的学生, you can build your own major by customizing three areas of study offered at Roberts. In doing so, you can study all that you’re interested in to help you reach your unique goals.

If you have many interests and you’re not sure which area to devote all your studies to, 跨学科研究专业可能适合你. 在这里,你可以学习三个你感兴趣的领域.

The 跨学科研究 major might also be a good fit if there isn’t a specific major that will prepare you for the career you’re interested in.

是的! 如果你来学校找工作 个人访问, you can meet with a professor to get an overview of the major and your individual questions answered. 美高梅mgm平台的 探索日活动 通常包括一个学院 & 服务博览会,在那里你可以见到你未来的教授.

We are committed to helping students meet the financial obligation to earn a degree and advance a career. 美高梅mgm平台的 Office of Student Financial Services works to assist all students in their effort to maximize financial aid. We award financial assistance to 100% of our undergraduate students.


会计 -学习更多有关会计的知识 & 信息rmation Management program at Roberts: build core business knowledge, 完成一次实习, 成为一名CMA.
青少年 & 特殊教育 -考虑攻读中等教育专业? 美高梅mgm平台的 Adolescence 教育 program leads to initial certification in the major for grades 7-12 with an extension for grades 5-6.
生物学 -在美高梅mgm平台, students can choose from two options for their 生物学 Degree: Bachelor of Science in 生物学 or Bachelor of Arts in 生物学.
工商管理 - Learn more about the 工商管理 program at Roberts: pursue your interests, 完成一次实习, & 体验更强的就业能力.
化学 -在美高梅mgm平台, students can choose from two options for their 化学 Degree; Bachelor of Science in 化学 or Bachelor of Arts in 化学.
残疾儿童/残疾学生 & 特殊教育 - This undergraduate major will lead to both Childhood 教育 and 特殊教育 Certification (grades 1-6), greatly enhancing a graduate’s ability to be employed in related fields.
幼儿和特殊教育 - This undergraduate major will lead to both Early Childhood 教育 and Early Childhood 特殊教育 Certification (birth to grade 2), greatly enhancing a graduate’s ability to be employed in related fields.
卫生行政 - Discover the 卫生行政 program at 美高梅mgm平台, designed to sharpen your healthcare skills and equip you with the expertise to improve patient care environments and advance healthcare re搜索. Explore our curriculum, faculty, and hands-on learning opportunities.
市场营销 - Check out the 市场营销 program at 美高梅mgm平台: sharpen your communication skills, 集中你的创造力 & study core business concepts!
护理 -作为护理专业的学生, you will have the opportunity to become a nurse and touch the lives of individuals blending caring, science and technology to holistically address health needs; mind, 身体和精神.
社会工作 -想知道如何成为一名社会工作者? The 社会工作 major at 美高梅mgm平台 helps students gain valuable interviewing skills, 还有现场经验, 在攻读社会工作学位的路上.
体育管理与市场营销 - Interested in a Sports Management Degree or Sports 市场营销 Degree? Roberts Wesleyan's 体育管理与市场营销 program has you covered!
美高梅mgm平台- 585.594.6786 - moorem@罗伯茨.edu