School 小组chology - 课程


The School 小组chology program has been designed for full-time or part-time enrollment. Careful adherence to course sequencing and course prerequisites is essential for part-time students.

GPSY 5030 | Clinical Foundations of Intervention | 3 credits

This interactive course focuses on the training and practice of interpersonal skills, which are vital to functioning as a professional psychologist or counselor. The course will be centered on a three- stage helping model which assists individuals in exploring their problems, 获得的见解, 采取行动. In developing this helping model, three counseling theories will be explored: person-centered therapy, 心理动力学治疗, 行为疗法. 本课程将主要侧重于必要的技能发展,以启动与不同人群的帮助关系.

GPSY 5040 | Clinical Foundations of Intervention II | 3 credits

本课程旨在建立在临床干预基础I (GPSY 5030)中发展的基本咨询技能和知识的基础上。, in order to promote foundational competencies in evidence-based intervention. The content of the course includes: common factors and the therapeutic alliance; transtheoretical case formulation; selected theoretical models of therapy; and therapy process and outcome 评估. The practicum portion of the course focuses on the application of this material to clients, and the further development of counseling skills and competencies.

GPSY 5130 | Professional Practice in School 小组chology | 3 credits

本课程本质上是介绍性的,将回顾学校心理学的发展,并探讨学校心理学家可能遇到的当前和未来的需求. The lens of 社会 justice is used to examine principles for practice regarding ethics and law, advocacy and cultural responsiveness. Students will cover the broad history of the profession and special education law, 检查主要角色, functions and responsibilities, look at models of practice, review credentialing requirements, and consider different models of practice. Key aspects of education law will be reviewed including the Individuals with Disabilities Act (2004), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (2008), the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as Part 200 of the NYS Regulations. 学生还将学习使用解决问题的模型来识别和评估专业实践中的道德困境.

GPSY 5160 | Practicum 1 - School 小组chology | 2 credits

Each student will be placed in a school district two days per week to practice skills in observation, counseling and individual 评估, as well as become oriented to school systems and profession as a school psychologist. Supervision will be provided by an on-site supervisor in addition to a faculty member within the program. Field will be graded Pass/Fail.

GPSY 5200 | Assessment 1 小组chological Measurement | 3 credits

This course is designed as an introduction to testing and measurement. 主要的重点将放在建立对基本统计和测试分数与正态曲线的关系的分析的一般理解. An understanding of reliability, 有效性, and normative samples will be explored through an application process using a variety of standardized instruments, which are currently used. 学生将通过接触各种传统和非传统方法的工具和程序,对评估的目的和实践有一个大致的了解. 值得注意的是,本课程仅作为测试和评估的入门课程,对专门从事评估的学生需要进一步的课程/技能培训.

PSY 5220 | Integrative Assessment II - Individual Differences | 3 credits

This course exposes the student to the administration, 得分, and interpretation of individually administered norm-referenced tests and measures. Primary attention is given to instruments, which primarily measure 认知 abilities in children ages birth to age eighteen. Instruments will be evaluated based on their level of sensitivity to culturally diverse populations. Implications for the learning process in school-age children and adults will be explored. Beginning report writing will be explored while expanding the students’ repertoire and mastery of these measures. Historical and contemporary theories of intelligence will be discussed.

GPSY 5300 | Advanced Developmental 小组chology | 3 credits

This course provides a broad understanding of individual development. Study will focus on the major themes and issues of physical, 认知, 社会, 道德发展, with particular emphasis placed on foundational re搜索 and theory in these areas, and the interaction of self and 社会 contexts in developmental processes.

GPSY 5650 |孩子 & Adolescent 小组chopathology | 3 credits

This course is designed to explore the complexities of child and adolescent psychopathology, with a specific emphasis on the school setting. The content will focus on the epidemiology, 症状, 病因, 伴随疾病, and treatment of different psychopathologies experienced by children and adolescents. Common 评估 strategies and classification systems, 比如DSM-5, 会被检查, along with their strengths and weaknesses. Intervention and prevention approaches for specific disorders will be discussed, including a particular focus on school-based intervention programs.

GPSY 6010 | Re搜索 Methods and Statistics I | 3 credit

This course is designed to introduce students to the basic principles of re搜索 and statistical analysis. 学生将接触到对研究的批判性评估,并将调查从假设发展到数据解释的研究过程. 他们将对描述性和推断性统计以及各种研究设计策略有更广泛的了解.

GPSY 6160 | Practicum II - School 小组chology | 2 credits

这个实习经历被设计为从正式课程到学校环境中的学习经验的过渡, under the direct supervision by a licensed or certified school psychologist. 通过这次实习, students are provided with the opportunity to apply their knowledge of child development, 学习理论, 评估, direct and indirect interventions, 并在与儿童一起工作时,经验地应用在临床干预基础I和II (GPSY 5040)中学到的理论和技术, 老师, and parents in a public school setting. Under the supervision of the professor, each student will be placed in a school district for two full days each week to practice testing skills, develop observation skills, continue to develop counseling skills and to become oriented to working in the schools as a school psychologist.

GPSY 6210 | Integrative Assessment IV: Social/Emotional Perspective | 3 credits

This course provides information and training in the 评估 of mental status and emotional well being in children, 青少年和成年人. 本课程将涵盖更传统的投影测量以及更近期的标准参考专题工具和技术, which assess a broad range of 社会 functioning areas. Students will be required to use these techniques both for administration and 得分, and begin interpreting results as a continuation of refining report writing skills.

GPSY 6220 | Integrative Assessment V: Neuropsychological Concentration | 3 credits

本课程提供儿童和青少年评估的基本概念的知识和培训,以理解大脑-行为关联和儿童发展为指导. 指导学生使用与应用心理学实践相关的综合神经心理学模型. A special focus is placed on the 评估 of neuropsychological factors that impact 认知, academic and 社会-emotional functioning. Students will learn how to select appropriate evaluation techniques to answer referral questions to assess learning, administer and score those instruments, 解释结果, integrate information across sources, and communicate their findings orally and in writing.

Prerequisites: GPSY 5220 and GPSY 5420

GPSY 6550 | Consultation for Prevention & Intervention | 3 credits

学生将接触到作为儿童间接服务模式的咨询背后的理论和实践, 家庭, 和学校. Although the class will utilize a lecture format, applied work will be provided via the students’ field practicum placements. Thus, as a pre-requisite, all students must also be enrolled in a field practicum class as well.

GPSY 6640 | Group Dynamics and Group Counseling | 2 credits

This is an introductory graduate level course in group dynamics and group counseling. The content includes an overview of group process, 领导者的角色, 成员的角色, and types of groups in school settings. 提出了各种治疗方法和具体的团体咨询技术与学生在学校设置工作. Issues in working in an ethical manner with diverse student/client populations are presented.

GPSY 7160 | Exceptionality and Diversity | 3 credits

Inclusion of exceptional children and youth in unrestricted learning environments, and their academic success and 社会 adjustment, 要求学校人员培养识别特殊需要的专门知识,并广泛了解确保学业成功和社会发展的适当校本战略. This course is designed as a graduate-level introduction to the history, 重大问题, and contemporary practices defining exceptionalities, 他们的分类, and demographic characteristics. The goal of this course to get students to know, understand and positively impact the various exceptionalities. By the end of the course, the students will have a firm idea of the legal definitions of the various exceptionalities, 例外情况之间的差异以及这些例外情况对儿童教育的影响. The student will demonstrate this knowledge and learn to develop intervention skills.

GPSY 6030 | Mulit-Cultural Diversity and Professional Practices | 3 credits

This course is designed to develop multicultural competency in professional mental health practice. The focus will be on increasing students’ awareness of their cultural values and biases, while also developing knowledge about how race, 种族, 性别, 宗教, 性取向, and 社会 class have an impact on self and the helper-student or helper-client relationship. 额外的重点将放在调查文化响应技能,这是评估和干预不同客户系统所必需的.

GPSY 7200 | Internship I in School 小组chology I | 6 credits

This provides the culminating experience of the School 小组chology Program. It provides intensive supervision in roles and functions of a school psychologist. This will usually be a paid position and will require a full-time work week of 40 hours plus. 前提条件:学生必须完成四个学期的课程,并取得满意的成绩,并在资格考试中取得满意的成绩.

GPSY 7210 | Internship in School 小组chology II | 9 credits

This is a continuation of the field-based experience described in GPSY 7200. This will require a submission of a professional portfolio.

GPSY 7340 | Play Therapy | 3 credits

本课程的目的是为学生提供一个接触和发展个人游戏治疗知识和技能的机会, 家庭 and groups in diverse settings. 学生将熟悉各种理论实践模型,并学会将这些模型应用于不同人群中遇到各种问题的儿童. This course will expose the student to basic knowledge about play therapy as a component of services to children, including in mental health, 儿童福利, health and community based settings.

GPSY 7350 | Conflict Management and Trauma-informed Practices | 3 credits

本课程探讨了创伤领域快速发展的文献,并描述了其共同关注的问题和实践指南. 本课程将为学生提供不良童年经历的概述,以及基于学校的创伤信息干预方法,这些方法使用社会生态模型治疗创伤. 在本课程中, 将探讨冲突的原因和动力,以及如何将冲突转化为学校环境中的建设性力量. In this interactive course, 学生将展示创伤知情的学校心理健康治疗干预措施,以发展基于学校的冲突转化技能, with primary emphasis given to mediation, restorative practices and Life Space Crisis Intervention.


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