

GNSG 5300 | Re搜索 and Evidence-based Practice for Advanced Practice Nursing | (5 credits, 8周, 在线)

The course will focus on 循证实践 as a framework for advanced nursing practice.  使用研究和循证护理过程,以提高临床实践和决策在卫生保健设置将深入探讨.  本课程将着重于发展临床问题, 获得证据, appraising evidence and synthesis of findings and measurement of outcomes.

GNSG 5100 | Nursing Science and Theory for Advanced Nursing Practice | (5 credits, 8周, 在线)

This course focuses on critical analyses of theory and its’ use for advanced nursing practice. Nursing’s scientific body of knowledge is examined through consideration of selected nursing 模型, 理论, 和构造. 选择理论, 模型, 以及社会科学和行为科学的概念, 是什么提高了护理作为一门科学学科的地位, 也被考虑在内. 理论之间的相互关系, 实践和研究进行了审查,并探讨了发展科学知识用于实践的各种方法. 强调将理论框架应用于护理实践,作为学生选择的理论基础,在选定的医疗保健环境中识别和发展护士主导的循证变化.

GNSG 6700 | Health Care Delivery Systems and 信息rmation Technology | (3 credits, 8周, 在线)

本课程将着重于使用健康信息技术(HIT)作为改善医疗保健服务和服务人群健康的工具的信息学应用. This course provides a comprehensive overview of HIT relating to the importance of technology in the overall goals of the Quadruple Aim; the basics of point-of-care technology; approaches to data management and analytics; and the impact of HIT on 质量 and safety of care. 

GNSG 5540 | Pharmacology for Advanced Practice Nursing | (3 credits, 8周, 在线)

This course prepares the nurse practitioner student to effectively and safely prescribe medications, 考虑到病人的需要, 家庭, 以及相关组织. Students are taught how to employ appropriate parameters in order to evaluate the efficacy, 类似药物的安全性和便利性,并将探讨在各种实践环境中为所有年龄的患者选择适当的药物. Selected topics reflect considerations and situations seen most commonly in practice settings. 重点放在纳入患者的选择和合理使用药物作为一个全面的治疗计划的一部分.  此外,学生将满足纽约州和联邦对受控物质的处方和记录保存的要求.

GNSG 5541 | Pathophysiology for Advanced Practice Nursing | (3 credits 8周, 在线)

本课程着重于个体在整个生命周期中正常身体功能的病理生理学和中断. 在深入的理论和临床原则的疾病遇到的初级保健,以及健康差距造成的遗传, 环境, 压力相关的原因也包括在内. 评估结果, 诊断测试和干预措施,具体到选定的健康问题进行探讨,以开始发展的病理生理原因和特定疾病过程的治疗的批判性思维技能.

GNSG 5542 | Health Assessment and Clinical Reasoning | (3 credits, 8周, 在线)

这门研究生水平的课程为个人和家庭在整个生命周期中健康状况的高级综合评估提供了理论和临床基础. 以本科准备为基础, 高级访谈和历史记录, 诊断推理, 先进的物理, 社会心理, 文化, 发展, 精神上的, 并进行了环境评价. Students will learn techniques for discrimination and analysis of common abnormal findings, 鉴别诊断的过程, 研究结果的呈现方法. 将讨论健康促进和健康教育的理论背景,并将其应用于临床研究.

GNSG 5543 | Diagnostic Skills and Procedures lab | (1 credit, 1 week, on-campus)

NOTE: this lab/course is only offered on-campus at Roberts Wesleyan College (Rochester, 通常在6月.

这个为期一周的校园强化课程为高级护理实践(APN)学生提供实验室和模拟经验,以获得选定的临床诊断实验室和影像学检查的技能,以及APN常用的选定程序. Clinical decision-making for selecting appropriate tests or procedures, 并讨论了诊断试验结果的解释. 学生将使用基于证据的资源进行适当的收集, 解释, 管理客观的诊断临床数据,以解决整个生命周期中的各种健康问题,并教育客户遵守规定的诊断测试和程序. This course builds on previous knowledge of basic microbiology, physiology, and clinical practice. Didactic content addresses selected common laboratory and imaging tests applicable to APN practice, 这些测试的基本原理, 预期结果和常见异常结果. Practice and simulation experiences focus on selection of appropriate diagnostic tests, 收集标本, 分析选定的测试并评估结果. Clinical content prepares students for procedures commonly carried out by APNs in primary care. Students should plan to spend 12 hours/day during this course on studies.

GNSG 6610 | Primary Care I for Advanced Practice Nursing - Adult | (3 credits, 8周, 在线)

This graduate level course develops comprehensive understanding of health promotion, 疾病预防, 诊断推理, and evidence-based clinical practice for care and management of adult patients utilizing a holistic, 以病人为中心的护理方法. Students will begin virtual clinical practice and use case studies to 应用高级体格评估, 以及为这一人群制定治疗计划的诊断技能.

GNSG 6611 |高级护理实践初级护理I:有临床实践经验的成人|(3学分, 8周, 150小时临床时间)

This graduate-level course develops clinical skills in the comprehensive understanding of health promotion, 疾病预防, 诊断推理, and evidence-based clinical practice for care and management of adult patients utilizing a holistic, 以病人为中心的护理方法. 学生将开始临床实践, 应用高级体格评估, and diagnostic skills with supervision to develop treatment plans for this population, 将GNSG 6610的知识应用于临床实践. NOTE: Students will work with faculty to identify clinical sites in New York State.

GNSG 6620: Primary Care II for Advanced Practice Nursing: Older Adult | (3 credits, 8周, 在线)

本课程培养对健康促进的全面理解, 疾病预防, 诊断推理, and evidence-based clinical practice for care and management of the geriatric patient ages 65 and older. 学生将参与模拟和案例研究,以应用先进的身体评估和诊断推理技能, 以及老年人群的治疗计划.

GNSG 6621 |高级护理实践初级护理II:老年临床-老年学|(3学分, 8周, 150小时临床)

本课程培养对健康促进的全面理解, 疾病预防, 诊断推理, and evidence-based clinical practice for care and management of the geriatric patient. 学生将在临床实践中应用GNSG 6620的知识,包括先进的身体评估和诊断技能,并在监督下为65岁及以上的成年人制定治疗计划. 

GNSG 6630 | Primary Care III for Advanced Practice Nursing - Women's Health and Childbearing | (3 credits, 8周, 在线)

This graduate level course develops comprehensive understanding of health promotion, 疾病预防和循证临床实践对妇女健康和育龄病人的护理和管理.  学生将参与虚拟场景并完成案例研究,以应用先进的身体评估和诊断来制定针对这一人群的治疗计划.

GNSG 6631 | Primary Care III Women’s Health and Childbearing with Clinical | (3 credits, 8周, 150小时临床)

本课程培养对健康促进的全面理解, 疾病预防, 诊断推理, and evidence-based clinical practice for gynecologic and women’s health care and management. 学生将在临床实践中应用GNSG 6630的知识,包括先进的身体评估和诊断技能,并在监督下为这一人群制定治疗计划. NOTE: Students will work with faculty to identify clinical sites in New York State.

GNSG 6640 | Primary Care IV for Advanced Practice Nursing: Pediatrics | (3 credits, 8周, 在线)

This graduate level course develops comprehensive understanding of health promotion, 疾病预防, 诊断推理, 以证据为基础的临床实践护理和管理儿科患者年龄从新生儿到22岁利用整体, 以病人为中心的护理方法. Students will begin virtual clinical practice and use case studies to 应用高级体格评估, and diagnostic skills with supervision to develop treatment plans for this population.

GNSG 6641 | Primary Care IV for Advanced Practice Nursing: Pediatrics with Clinical | (3 credits, 8周, 150小时临床)

This graduate-level course develops comprehensive understanding of health promotion, 疾病预防, 诊断推理, and evidence-based clinical practice for care and management of pediatric patients utilizing a holistic, 以病人为中心的护理方法. Students will begin virtual clinical practice and use case studies to 应用高级体格评估, and diagnostic skills with supervision to develop treatment plans for this population. 学生将在临床实践中应用GNSG 6640的知识,包括先进的身体评估和诊断技能,并在监督下为这一人群制定治疗计划. NOTE: Students will work with faculty to identify clinical sites in New York State.

GNSG 6600 |健康政策, 高级实习护士的倡导与领导| 3学分, 8周, 在线)

本课程将向学生介绍卫生政策, 管理实践, 以及美国国内影响成本的当前问题, 质量, 以及促进获得护理的机会. 将讨论解决保健差距和专业实践合法性的领导倡议的正式讨论. Global health will be explored as this impacts care and disease management. APN作为道德实践领导者的角色, 健康的工作环境, 并将探讨商业技能的发展.

GNSG 6500 |研究生专题课程|(8周,3学分,在线)

毕业设计的目的是找出一个临床问题, 分析问题, 并提出一个基于证据的改变来解决这个问题. 学生将在他们的临床专业领域内选择问题, 彻底回顾和分析现有的文献/信息, 确定当前的最佳实践和, 采用变革理论/循证实践模式, propose and initiate a change that would lead to improved 质量 and safety for patients in primary care. The student will include measurable outcomes to evaluate the practice change in the proposal. 该建议将作为一项实质性建议加以发展, formal paper and a professional presentation appropriate to primary care practice.

GNSG 6501 |毕业设计二|(1学分,在线)

毕业设计的目的是找出一个临床问题, 分析问题, 并发起以证据为基础的变革来解决这个问题.  GNSG 6500期间, 学生将在他们的临床专业领域内选择问题, 彻底回顾和分析现有的文献/信息, 确定当前的最佳实践和, 采用变革理论/循证实践模式, propose and initiate a change that would lead to improved 质量 and safety for patients in primary care.  The student will include measurable outcomes to evaluate the practice change in the proposal.  该建议将作为一项实质性建议加以发展, formal paper and a professional presentation appropriate to primary care practice.  Once approved by the faculty and the setting of the project, the student will implement the project.  GNSG 6501将在最后一个学期进行.  学生将在期末课程结束时完成项目展示并提交最终的毕业设计.


585.594.6600 or AGE-招生@罗伯茨.edu


护理教育硕士.S. 护理教育硕士课程以护理科学为基础,重点是提高大学工作所需的临床和循证教学技能, 大学, 以及临床环境. Working RN's can complete this degree in just 20 months, 1 night a week or 100% online!
护理的领导 & 管理、米.S. -护理领导硕士 & Administration is based on nursing science with a significant focus on the business aspects of health care, 循证实践, and the latest technological advances to develop your leadership expertise and knowledge. Working RN's can complete this degree in just 20 months, 1 night a week or 100% online!
RN到M.S. 在护理 -如果你有非护理专业的学士学位, 护理学副学士学位, 以R的身份工作.N. (每周最少20小时), then this completely online RN到MS 在护理 Program is designed for you!
成人和研究生招生- 585.594.6600 | 800.777.4792(免费)- AGE-招生@罗伯茨.edu