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Meg Hartman

Assistant Professor of Marketing


Professor Meg Hartman teaches in both the undergraduate and graduate marketing programs. She has a passion for digital marketing, social media, and advertising. She enjoys bringing in relevant examples from the industry and relating the concepts to students' lives outside of the classroom. Current research interests include the effect of marketing on culture, inclusivity in marketing, ungrading and additional forms of equitable assessment, and overall course design. 

Prior to her faculty role at Roberts, Meg managed the web experience, social media, and digital marketing at Roberts Wesleyan College. She also was a Digital Marketing Specialist at Spectracom and a Digital Media Planner/Buyer at Butler/Till. Her years of experience in non-profit, corporate, and agency settings have provided invaluable insights into course material.

Outside of work, Meg enjoys reading a wide variety of genres (although her favorites are historical fiction and fantasy), spending time with friends, and exercising in her garage gym. She lives with her husband of 12 years, Bob, and two young children, Caleb and Joanna, in Riga. She attends Community of the Savior. 

Scholarly Work

For Homecoming 2021, Professor Meg presented a Faulty Talk about Ungrading. You can view the recording below.